Something is terribly wrong with this world. The bubble that surrounds me today is overflowing with god forsaken lame bastards. They suffocate me. Its not that I care about them but their sheer numbers continuously defines my way of life. The music is contaminated, the movies n now even books are being written for these pea brained masses. Its pretty amazing to actually note how their idiocy makes them to believe things ...love, religion, politics, friendship. The way mediocrity overwhelms them with greatness. The way they can be persuaded to look for meaning in otherwise non existent places. Love for them succeeds only in case of a mutual misunderstanding. They are in a true sense “secondaries” of god’s creation living as a majority. But why is it so? Arent these secondaries supposed to be wiped of the gene pool on account of their impotent brains and not the under developed genetalia as the great dictator once attempted to in the late thirties.
What am i trying to get at from this. I dont actually want them to be castrated and sent to concentration camps. But am sick of trying to be a part of them.
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